

ElectroStatic Sprayers

Biofence electrostatic disinfecting foggers apply an ultra-thin layer of disinfecting solution to all surfaces and objects in a room or vehicle. The disinfecting process requires no surface preparations and takes seconds to apply. The areas and surfaces disinfected are spot-free and safe to reoccupy in minutes.

vs-2 vehicle sprayer

Vehicle Sanitizers

The Biofence Patented VS-2 is a high production stationary vehicle sanitizing system built for high volume semi-trailer and van sanitizing.

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Fluid Products

Peroxy-Klean brand disinfecting solution is effective at killing bacteria and viruses such as COVID-19 and leaves treated surfaces without residual buildup and spot free.

Contact us to learn more or to purchase one of our disinfecting solutions.

Reviewed and Approved

Our Biofence solutions work using PEROXY-KLEAN, a highly effective and proven Hydrogen Peroxide formula that safely disinfects most everyday surfaces. Hydrogen Peroxide has been approved and recommended by both the FDA and CDC.
